Fiscal Management Services, Guardianship, Consulting

About NextBreath

We started NextBreath in order to help people with developmental disabilities make informed choices about the services they receive.  Through a variety of support services we help individuals and their families make connections with individuals and organizations that can help them achieve their desired lifestyle.  For people who are new to the service system it is often difficult to know where to find the resources they need and to organize those supports.  We can help with that. 

We have been working in the service system for more than 25 years.  We have been involved with the Family Care system in the state of Wisconsin since its implementation in 2008.  And, we know the system from multiple perspectives.  The most important perspective was as a family of a man who lived the last 24 years of his life with us.  Kevin grew up in one of the state institutions.  We got to know him when he was living in a group home in 1988.  He did not have involvement from his biological family.  He moved in with us in 1989. He died in 2013 after a couple of years of difficult health struggles.  At the end of his life, Kevin was part of the IRIS program and we helped to manage his services. 

We have been caregivers, service providers, advocates, instructors and managers.  We are now putting all that experience into our consulting and support services through NextBreath. 

Let us know what we can do for you.